miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Six Billion More

We are not alone, never. We live among six billion people, which divide in three kinds of people: The first one is the bright one, the kind of person that loves everything, likes everyone and trust all of us (strangers). This kind of people have a good heart, good feelings but they are not built for today's world, full of bad things. The second kind is the one that is normal, average, the get exited when they have to, the get mad when they have to, this people are built for today´s world, tne were eaten buy that particular word AVERAGE. The third and last one are the people that are called workoholics, it doesn´t matter for them anything but work and money, which is not bad but ther reach the furthest extreme of that term. They just don´t care about the other 6 billion people around them.

Well we need a balance. We need to stablish limits in our life we don´t want to be mr. bright or mrs. bright, because we can´t trust everyone (although we wish to). We also don't want to be mr. stone or mrs. stone, we can't let the ephemeral stuff worry us so much. But especially we don´t want to be AVERAGE guys who are part of the same routine. we need a bit of both sides, we needo to be working when we have to, laughing when we have to. Every day do something that scares you, get over with it and start showing off your new you. Don´t be reckless with other people's feeling and don´t let them be reckless with yours. Be carefull whose advise you buy. Do eveyday something extra because the only difference between the ordinary and the extraordinaryis that little extra. Remember the people that invented our modern society, remember that things happen for a reason, try not to be wrong, but if you do, acceps humbly your mistake and change it.

It´s true that this world wasn´t crated for the weak, and is true that the winners write the history, but look at people like Gandhi, people that can stop a war without violence, without separating ourselves. So please, get out of the routine.

Dr. House

1 comentario:

  1. Mariano... estoy sorprendido por lo que leí, lo leí desde temprano en la oficina pero por la versión del explorador no podía comentar nada... estoy impresionado por tu texto y la profundidad del mismo... neta, estoy super orgulloso de tí y mi deseo mas grande es que sigas escribiendo y construyendo este blog.... esta de pocamadre neta! muchísimas felicidades, te mando un abrazote y mucha fuerza para mantener la disciplina del blog, tienes mucho que dar a los demás... ahora solo te resta hacerlo!!

    Felicidades Enano!!! que orgullo leertE!
